Tosin Sanni's Official Blog

Tag: timing

My Well Experience

That God would place this dream in my heart and entrust me with a vision such as this seems rather ironic to my natural senses; but I love how gracious God is in that He often reaches out for the seemingly unqualified and the most unlikely candidate when He has an important task to execute.

You see, for the most part of my single life, I wasn’t waiting with grace. I actually detested the wait for the longest time. I wasn’t really trusting God with this area of my life and I constantly wanted to speed up the process. And so began my never ending cycle of emotional entanglements, relationships, and as some would call it, “situationships”. I was always entangled; always in some sort of relationship (whether or not I wanted to admit that it was indeed a relationship). I was like the Samaritan woman that met Jesus at the well, only I hadn’t had five husbands – but five relationships/situationships? That’s an easy yes from the top of my head. I kept going around in circles, each time hoping I had met the one. Like the woman at the well, I was drained, worn out and thirsty. I believe the well that the Samaritan woman met Jesus at was both literal and figurative. That woman wasn’t only thirsty for water – she was thirsty in her emotions, in her soul and in her spirit, as was I. Like me, she kept going to this well to drink – but it would only take a while before she would get drained and thirsty again. When Jesus spoke to her about the Living Water that would forever satisfy her, He certainly wasn’t talking about quenching her physical thirst. He was talking about satisfying the thirst of her soul – this thirst that had caused her to continually drink from the well of failed relationships and marriages. One encounter with the Giver of Living Water, and her life was forever changed! This is my story. One encounter with Jesus at the well changed me and re-wrote the entire script of my life.

Dear reader, I’d love you to know that God specializes in taking messy people and situations, and remodeling them into beautiful masterpieces. It really doesn’t matter how badly things have worked out for you in the past. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried and hit a brick wall. It doesn’t matter who is counting how many failed relationships they think you’ve had. God is able to totally re-write your story and give you something so beautiful that only He can give – only, you need to be ready to truly surrender to Him and let Him work it all out in and for you.

As we embark on this journey together, I pray that you find courage, strength, a new resolve, healing, renewed hope and all that you need to truly be all God wants you to be and to experience all the amazing things He wants you to. I pray that you learn to wait with grace and get thrilled by how beautifully God writes your story!