Proverbs 18:24

There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. (NLT)

Some friendships don’t last for long, but there is one loving friend who is joined to your heart closer than any other! (TPT)

Friends come and go, but a true friend sticks by you like family. (MSG)

This is perhaps going to be the shortest post in this challenge, and the reason is simple.

It’s a call to action.

I think way too often, we under-appreciate the true friends we have in our lives. We get used to them and become so familiar that we sometimes forget the precious gifts that they are.

Today is a good day to take a step back; reflect on your life and think about that person who has made it easier or better.

When you think about consistency, selfless love and sacrifice – that friend who has stuck closer than a brother – who comes to mind? (It could certainly be more than one person!)

Send them a heartfelt “thank you” message today. Let them know how much you appreciate them and why you do. Affirm them by stating how amazing they are, and specifically, how they’ve impacted your life.

Even better, have something delivered to them – breakfast, a little gift, their favorite meal – and include a “thank you” note (or send a “thank you” text) just because!

Let’s grow the habit of showing appreciation to the ones who grace our lives with their love and presence.

How are you going to appreciate that dear friend today, tomorrow or next week?

Commit to it now!

Tell your friends