“If you do everything that I teach you, you will reign in life.” – Proverbs 4:4 (TPT)

The whole chapter 4 is packed with so much insight but I’ve been stuck on this one verse.

“If you do EVERYTHING I teach you, YOU WILL REIGN…”

God’s way is the way. It’s too sure! It produces undeniable results. It uplifts. It enthrones. It opens doors. It promotes. It enriches. It releases the miraculous. It heals. It delivers. His word is efficacious and infallible.

One instruction diligently obeyed to the letter has the ability to disrupt your entire life for good! One word from God carefully and precisely carried out can totally take you from zero to one million!

There is life-transforming power behind every word God speaks. God’s word is like a seed – potent and powerful; able to become a giant tree that splits even boulders and rocks!

I don’t think obedience is our biggest problem as believers. I think we wouldn’t struggle too much to obey if we knew without a doubt that God was speaking to us.

Our biggest problem is our inability to hear or discern His voice.

According to Proverbs 4:4, the pre-requisite for reigning in life is doing everything He says; but how can we do everything He instructs us if we don’t hear Him? And how can we hear Him if we don’t dwell with Him?

I sense so greatly the need for us to cry out for a fresh hunger for God and His presence. We can never truly be everything He has ordained us to be or access everything He has prepared for us if we are only visitors to His dwelling place.

We must abide.


We must carry Him and His word in our hearts all day, everyday. We must commune with Him even we’re not consciously doing so. We must be so consumed with Him that even when our sleepy eyes pop open at 3am, we find ourselves mumbling words of worship and adoration as we drift back to sleep! We must, in the words of James W. Goll, be radically wasted on Jesus. We must carry an awareness of His presence all day, everyday. We must sit with His word. We must assume the posture of worship. We must ask Him “Lord, what will you have me do? How can I serve you? How can I love you? What are you teaching me?”

We must be hungry for revelation-knowledge and encounters that will radically change our lives. I do not speak only of spectacular encounters where you experience physical manifestations of God’s presence.

In fact, I refer more to encounters in which the written word of God (logos) comes alive in your spirit and becomes living, breathing revelation to you (rhema); where it births rock solid convictions and unshakeable faith, ushering you into a realm of confident rest in the Ancient of Days.

We must be so hungry that we’re willing to go without physical food so we can feast on spiritual food; where we’re not fasting just because we need a miracle but because He is the miracle we desire! Ahh!! Do you know what I’m talking about? Food becomes the least of your concerns!

We must seek Him diligently for He promises to reveal Himself when we do.

We must drown out the noise and focus on The Voice.

The more you zoom into Him and allow Him become your focus, doing away with the distractions the world brings, the more you will see Him; the more you will hear Him. And as you obey what you hear, your reigning in life is guaranteed.

Dear one, this is a call to pursue His presence like your life depends on it – because it does.

Question of the day: What is God teaching you today from Proverbs 4?

Please share with us.

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